Wednesday 31 January 2018

Sex Robots That Can Cook, Clean Efficiently Being Available By 2019 Is Fake News

Sex robots being developed that can cook and clean efficiently and being available by 2019 is fake news. There is no truth to a report that pleasure toys will soon be able to cook and clean for their owners. If the story sounds crazy and absurd that’s because it is just a false story.

Where did this fake news originate? Huzlers published the fake news article reporting that sex robots will soon have the ability to cook and clean and that they will be on the market by 2019. You can read the fake news below.

According to reports, tech companies that are producing realistic sex robots are trying to reach the next level in creating sex robots that can cook and clean. Company spokesperson’s say the cooking and cleaning sex robots can be available for purchase as soon as next year.

Sex Robots have become a very hot topic, both criticized and praised. Many think sex robots will have a negative impact on society and sex life, as people may choose sex robots over actual people. With many people on Twitter making jokes about how sex robots cannot cook and clean, unfortunately for them, cleaning and cooking sex robots is already happening.

“I’ve dated around six women in my entire life” says Jan Kunchai, an engineer at RealBotix, “and all six cheated on me, I’m six for six like Jordan. Anyways i thought it would be a good idea to create a robot that can cook and clean so i don’t have to get cheated on anymore, the next step would probably be a sex robot that can reproduce”.

However, there is no truth to the above story. What is the problem with the story to make it false? Besides the poor spelling, there is no record of a “Jan Kunchai” at RealBotix.

Here are some examples of people sharing the fake news on social media.

Finally and most importantly, Huzlers carries the following disclaimer: is the most infamous fauxtire & satire entertainment website in the world. If it’s trending on social media you’ll find it here!

Huzlers appears to have a focus on publishing fake news about sex dolls and robots. For instance, they published a false story about Chinese engineer contracting a sexually transmitted disease after having sex with a sex robot prototype.

What did you think of the fake news that sex robots will be available in 2019 that can cook and clean efficiently? Did you believe the fake news or see people sharing it falsely on social media? Let us know in the comments section.

Photo Credit: Source

Source: B2C

4 Ways You Can Hire Future Leaders Today

Free-Photos / Pixabay

Hiring is easy! You simply design a job profile and description, advertise, screen in accordance with the criteria you’ve set and select an individual from a pool of candidates. Simple right? Well that would be the case if you’re hiring to fulfill today’s need or hiring to just fill a vacancy in your organizational chart. However, it’s altogether a different story if you’re really looking to hire future leaders.

Hiring future leaders is a complex and important aspect of running an organization. As a great leader you know better than to simply hire to meet today’s needs. You’re a visionary, and hence, the employees you bring to your organization should be in line with that vision of the future. Even if you’re not hiring to fill leadership positions today, everyone you bring onboard should have the potential to be leaders.

So, how do you hire future leaders, today? Here are 4 ways you can revamp your hiring process to screen out the rest and ensure you’re only bringing in the best – the leaders of tomorrow.

1. Only The Best Can Hire

If you’re putting your managers on interview panels then you’re guaranteed to hire future managers. It’s no secret that if you let your B-players conduct interviews you’ll hire C-players. However, if you’re A-players are screening, you’ll be hiring A-players. Your interview panel should consist of your best employees, the A-players and those who are destined to be future leaders. These are the talent that’ll attract and screen those who have similar potential. They’ll raise the bar and keep it raised in terms of who gets in. This way you’ll have a better chance of keeping mediocrity out and hiring future leaders. Also, the best candidates will want to join am organization that already has the best and brightest talent. Hence, your best will also be acting as brand ambassadors.

2. Dynamic Interview Process

The candidates you interview are usually unique in personality, experience and who they are. Your interview process, in the same manner, should be unique and dynamic to cater to different candidates. Hiring for the sake of it, is easy – build a good process, run it every time for every candidate and you’ll be guaranteed to get similar results, every time. That’s when you’re not hiring future leaders, but instead employees who’ll fulfill routine tasks. If you’re keen to hire leaders you’ll need a dynamic hiring process that allows you to extract all the necessary information that’ll facilitate your decision making. Make the process less structured and standardized. Focus more on learning about the candidates’ personalities, their drivers, motivators and passion. Build on their past, but don’t dwell on it too long. Your objective should be to find out where they’re headed and how their skills and capabilities can benefit your organization.

3. Gauge Motivational Fit

When hiring for critical positions you’re most likely going to meet plenty of talented individuals. They’ll be highly skilled, high achievers and downright intelligent. However, all that flash doesn’t necessarily spell out the right candidate for you. If you highly regard your organization’s values, culture, purpose and ethos you’ll find it harder to find candidates that really fit with your organization. Often this is an overlooked step in the hiring process, though it’s quite vital. Ensuring that the candidates you bring onboard are a cultural, ideological and motivational fit is pivotal in guaranteeing success, for your organization and the candidate. Knowing what motivates them, the purposes they value and what drives them will help you assess whether or not they are aligned with your organization.

4. Simulate Leadership Instances

We often ask candidates to detail situations where they displayed leadership traits. These provide candidates an opportunity to showcase their muscle, However, all that is in the past and not related to the challenges or environment they’re going to face in your organization. Instead, try creating realistic job environments that are more representative of your organization and the challenges they’re likely to face working for you. You may even ask them to interact with potential colleagues and work together in teams to resolve matters. This’ll allow you to assess their behavior and gauge whether they possess leadership skills that’s relevant and applicable to your organization.

Hiring future leaders is a vital and critical aspect of ensuring your business succeeds. Taking this process lightly can be detrimental as you’ll likely find your succession line to be bleak and depleted. Having future leaders at all levels of your organization is a sign of great strength. Even if your business struggles today, you’ll be setting yourself up for a prosperous future simply on the shoulders of the talent you bring in today.

Source: B2C

How to Overcome Distractions to Get More Done With Less Stress

How many times have you answered “How are you?” with “I’ve been really busy”? American culture prizes busyness. We associate activity with success — regardless of whether that activity is actually productive. Curiously, we also associate stress with success. When someone drops a significant stressor and experiences the freedom that comes as a result, often the person will feel that something’s amiss. The stress is replaced with anxiety that “I must not be doing enough.” But it’s an illusion. Long work hours and the stress that accompanies it don’t bring success. They trap you in a hamster wheel that takes you nowhere.

One of the main reasons that we work long hours is that we can’t focus, so we’re unproductive. If we could overcome distractions and optimize our minds for productivity, we’d get more done by doing less. And we’d free up time to introduce other, meaningful things into our lives.

I realized this truth firsthand after enduring burnout that produced physical illness and feelings of hopelessness. I set out on a quest to take back control of how I defined success and how I operate day-to-day. Here’s what I’ve learned and what I’ve experienced as a result of putting it into practice.

Start With a Calm Mind

What happens in the couple of hours before you head to work reverberates throughout your day. Starting with a calm mind will give you a solid platform to launch your workday for better effectiveness. But everyone knows how elusive a calm mind can be!

Mornings are notoriously difficult because we pack a lot into them, and we’re typically tired from not going to bed early enough the night before. But making even small changes can improve your mindset.

The ideal morning routine will look different for everyone. What works for me may not work for you. But if you’re looking for ideas, here’s how I run my mornings now:

I use a special clock to wake up. Thirty minutes before the alarm is set to go off, the lamp gradually lights up to mimic the rising of the sun. About half of the time, I wake up before the alarm goes off at 6:00, just due to the gradually-brightening light. When the alarm does go off, it’s not an annoying “waah, waah, waah” — I have the clock set to wake me up with chirping birds. I’m usually in a great frame of mind now when I become fully conscious. (I should add that I’m anything but a morning person, so this is a big deal!)

I immediately drink some water and settle down with my journal and some inspirational reading material. I read a few paragraphs and then write down any thoughts that were triggered. Then I spend 10-15 minutes doing centering prayer and/or meditation. At this point, I’m usually feeling peaceful and grateful, having been reminded of what I have to be thankful for. I’m now ready for breakfast, which I recommend for everyone — your body needs that fuel! Before I head to my desk, I do some stretches or yoga. I’m starting work by 8:30 am, and if I’ve followed this routine, I’m almost guaranteed to crush the projects I’ve scheduled for that morning.

Experiment to see what works for you. Make a list of the activities that bring you peace and clarity, and then try working a few of those activities into your morning routine and see what happens. Just as important, don’t do the things that create stress — like checking your email or looking at Facebook. There will be plenty of time for those things later in the day.

Insulate Yourself From Interruptions

Between email, our project management tools, and messaging apps, our computers alone are enough to derail our productivity. When you add coworkers dropping in and phone calls, no wonder we aren’t getting anything done.

Multitasking is a myth. It’s been proven countless times that the human brain is incapable of focusing on more than one thing at a time. This is especially true with tasks that require a lot of cognition. So if you’re multitasking, you’re missing things. And once your mind has been distracted from a task, it takes 25 minutes to get back on track again. If your brain is constantly being interrupted to read email, check your notifications, or answer your phone, it’s going to take you a lot longer to get your tasks completed. Worse, our capacity to produce quality work is diminished when we’re being interrupted. So when we’re distracted, we’re taking longer to produce lower-quality work.

My solution has been to close email, turn off notifications, and put my phone on Do Not Disturb while I need to focus on activities that require concentration (which is about 80% of my work!). I check and respond to emails and voicemails three times a day, which seems to be often enough to keep my clients and contacts happy. If you’re in sales or customer service, obviously you’ll have to increase that amount, but find what works to communicate as frequently as you need to while allowing you to focus on important work at some point during your day.

I’ll warn you that if you haven’t tried this before, you’ll probably have a bit of a freakout moment because your brain has been conditioned to expect these interruptions. You’ll experience anxiety that you’re missing something. But hold firm, and you’ll find that eventually your brain will release that anxiety and you’ll settle into a calm focus that enables you to work at peak performance.

Map Your Work to Your Personal Productivity Clock

Your body has its own natural rhythms. At certain points in the day, you’re alert and capable of deep work. At other points, your brain lags and you feel lethargic. After a certain amount of time in your chair, your body will cry out for a stretch or a walk. Some people may need a power nap to recharge.

To get the most work done in the least amount of time, it’s essential that you know your body’s peak times as well as your ideal increments for focused work. If you’re most capable of deep work between 9:00 and 11:00, block out that time on your calendar and guard it for that work alone. If you’re alert but easily distracted from tasks that require full concentration between 1:00 and 3:00, schedule your phone calls during that time. If you’re only able to focus on one task productively for an hour, divide up your day into hour-long increments with 15-minute breaks in between. Some people find that their best creative work happens later in the day, when they wouldn’t be able to do other focused work.

Take advantage of whatever rhythms your body is naturally programmed around, and work with them. Not only is it counterproductive to fight your natural rhythms, it can also be unhealthy.

Take Breaks Away From Your Desk

Breaks are essential to productivity. Our hyperdrive culture admires those who eat at their desks or skip lunch altogether to work, but your body isn’t designed to function that way. Researchers at the University of Illinois found that constantly working without a break diminishes concentration.

The brain is wired to automate as much as possible, going on autopilot. This ability is why, on the drive home from work, you sometimes “wake up” when you arrive, not remembering the actual details of the journey. You’ve driven that path myriad times before, so your brain didn’t need to focus on it. When you stay at a task too long, your brain starts to zone out and look for other things it should be aware of. Breaks interrupt that automation process and force your mind back to the task you need to complete.

The Pomodoro Technique suggests working for 25 minutes and resting for five. I find that I’m just getting into my groove at 25 minutes, and I need more than five minutes to refresh my brain — so for me, an hour on and 15 minutes off works well.

For maximum effectiveness, your breaks should involve your body, out of your desk chair. Checking social media isn’t an effective break because it’s too much like work. Go make yourself a cup of tea, stretch, take a walk, whatever gets your body moving. Being outdoors has special benefits for clearing the mind — if you can step outside, I highly recommend it!

Eat for Fuel

What you put into your body directly impacts its performance. Athletes live by this principle, but it’s true for everyone. A significant amount of brain fog can be blamed on poor eating choices (or not eating at all!).

While you probably know the broad guidelines for how to eat to fuel productivity — low carbs, high protein, lots of veggies — the specifics will vary person to person. For a few weeks, I kept a food log of what I ate and how I felt afterward. I made some surprising discoveries. Peanuts make me feel lethargic. Sodium completely drains me of energy. Sugar gives me headaches. A blueberry smoothie with flax milk powers me through my late morning slump. Salads with quinoa make me feel invincible after lunchtime. Green tea is my best mood booster.

Try a variety of healthy foods to see what gives you the most energy and good vibes, and use them to power your productivity. Of course, this doesn’t mean you’re never going to eat pasta or enjoy a chocolate chip cookie. But save those foods for times when you don’t need to be at your peak!

Know Thyself

The basic principles I’ve shared in this article form the foundation of effective, productive work — but the individual tactics that work for one person will be different from the tactics that work for someone else. You really need to learn your own body and brain and experiment with different strategies to see what works for you. The results are more than worth it!

Source: B2C

App Not Responding: Now What?

Have you ever felt like this?

app not responding 1

Image Source: Gifimage

Or like this?

app not responding 2

Image Source: gif-finder

Imagine this is your user when your app stops responding. Not a pretty picture for your retention eh?

ANR (App Not Responding) is a state in which the app is frozen and does not respond to any user gestures or draw. Unlike unresponsive gestures which are attributed to a design decision (e.g. an image that mistakenly looks like a tappable button), ANRs usually occur due to long running code that freezes the “UI thread”.

ANRs are a fact of life for mobile apps, but that doesn’t mean you have to take them as common occurrence and that’s that. With the combination of quantitative and qualitative analytics, you can go beyond basic OS vitals data, dive deeper into your ANR occurrences, understand their affect on your app’s UX, and resolve them quickly and accurately.

Say goodbye to those “WTF” moments by following this two-step analysis method:

1. Aggregate Screen-Level Analysis

app not responding 3Example of quantitative ANR data in Appsee.

With quantitative analytics that tracks ANR issues, you can pinpoint problematic screens and occurrence patterns with the utmost efficiency. ANR issue aggregation helps you look at the big picture when it comes to the overall impact on your app and prioritize your workflow accordingly. For example, with Appsee‘s ANR analytics, you can assess the total number of affected screens, sessions, users and the average duration of each ANR state. Plus, you can compare these key metrics across device, app version, and select date buckets.

When assessing and diagnosing your ANR states on the aggregate level, Android’s top development site recommends keeping an eye out for the following patterns:

  1. The app is doing slow operations involving I/O on the main thread.

  2. The app is doing a long calculation on the main thread.

  3. The main thread is doing a synchronous binder call to another process, and that other process is taking a long time to return.

  4. The main thread is blocked waiting for a synchronized block for a long operation that is happening on another thread.

  5. The main thread is in a deadlock with another thread, either in your process or via a binder call. The main thread is not just waiting for a long operation to finish, but is in a deadlock situation.

A gentle warning: don’t stretch yourself too thin by trying to dissect every single ANR issue. To streamline your data-driven workflow, some ANR analytics tools, like Appsee’s, will also provide you with the ability to “hide insignificant ANRs”. What does this mean? As devices may randomly be non-responsive due to operating system issues, rather than app-specific issues, selecting this option will only show screens in which the % of affected sessions (relative to total number of sessions that visited that screen) is more than 1%. This can help you organize your ANR issue reports and focus on only the data you need.

So now you’ve got a solid sense of how many ANR issues are occurring in your app overall. But how can you and your fellow dev team easily recreate those individual issues and resolve them? The answer brings us to our next section.

2. Single-User Session Recordings

app not responding 3Example of single user recordings with ANR tracking.

While ANR analytics are an aggregate, quantitative approach to your ANR issues, user session recordings represent a qualitative, single-user view.

Just as it can be challenging and time consuming to attempt to resolve in-app crashes with only crash logs and quantitative data, the same goes for ANR issues. Total ANRs and affected users, are powerful stats on your app’s health, but that’s exactly it, they are mere stats. They do not allow you to actually visualize the “app not responding state” and the series of events/user actions that preceded the ANR.

This is where user session recordings step up to the plate. With user recordings, you can watch the real-time in-app experiences of individual users and see the occurrence and length of an ANR issue. Qualitative analytics tools, like Appsee, automatically tag and track every screen and event, and plug this information into an organized timeline paired with the recording. This enables you to precisely follow the order of elements that led up to an ANR and accurately recreate the error. Team communication is also simplified with the ability to share specific recordings via a public link.

From a user behavior standpoint, you can visualize the impact of an ANR on your app’s UX and retention. Did a user demonstrate confusion or frustration after an ANR? Did they quit the app or force kill the session? All of these qualitative, single-user insights are tracked within a user recording. Instead of simply gauging “how many” users were affected by an ANR state, you can also assess how they were affected.

Basically, your quantitative data serves as an alert to ANR trends within your app, and your qualitative data then functions as the investigator. By employing this two-step approach to ANR analysis you will save crucial dev hours, streamline your data-driven workflows, and improve core retention and conversion KPIs.

To try out ANR user recordings and improve app performance, you can grab a free trial with Appsee:

Source: B2C

4 Traps Marketers Face When Trying to Measure ROI

There’s just no way around it: measuring ROI is one of the most challenging — and even mysterious — parts of a marketer’s job. Virtually every marketer needs to do it, but far fewer have it fully figured out.

In a recent webinar entitled Solving the Mystery of ROI, my colleague Jocelyn Brown and I attempted to do a little myth-busting and make ROI just a little less mysterious.

In this post, I’ll dive deeper into some of the most common traps I’ve seen marketers fall into when thinking about marketing ROI measurement.

#1: Attempting to arrive at a single ROI number

The number one misconception that marketers have about measuring marketing ROI is that it’s possible to arrive it just one magic ROI number — a single general-purpose measurement that will be appropriate in every situation.

That’s just not the case. To properly measure performance, marketers need multiple flavors of ROI measurements.

This partial list of different types of marketing ROI measurements illustrates how there’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” number:

  • Aggregate ROI

  • ROI by channel

  • Cost-per metrics

  • ROI by campaign

  • The overall return on marketing investment (ROMI) for the entire marketing department

We recommend that every marketing organization invest the time in defining a suite of ideal ROI measurements that makes sense for your business over the long term.

#2: Forgetting the “i” in ROI

“Cool, but what did it cost us?”

Another very common trap many marketers fall into when measuring performance is focusing exclusively on the results side of the ROI equation.

This might seem obvious — after all, ROI is a simple equation: results divided by investments.

Yet most marketing organizations spend inordinate amounts of time and dollars on measuring the results side of the equation. And most marketing technologies simply can’t measure anything beyond the results side; they don’t have visibility into the investments side.

Measuring results is a worthy pursuit, but a measurement can’t be called ROI unless you consider costs.

#3: Not aligning with Finance

There are lots of reasons why marketers need to maintain a solid working relationship with their counterparts in Finance. ROI measurement is one of them.

Marketers rely on a strong alignment with the Finance side of the house to ensure their investment data is accurate, properly structured, and delivered in a usable way. After all, finance pros are the keepers of the company’s dollars and cents — the all-important “i” in ROI.

If you’re setting out to measure ROI, enlist the help of Finance early, and ensure to get their buy-in every step of the way. Having ROI numbers that are Finance-backed will go a long way towards building and maintaining marketing’s credibility within the company.

#4: Expecting technology to be a magic fix

No marketer can succeed without the right mix of technologies. In my company’s Marketing Performance Maturity benchmark research, one of the clear drivers of growth we identified was the integration of data across marketing technologies.

Still, it can be tempting to over-rely on these technologies. I’ve seen it happen many times: marketing leaders find themselves needing to prove the effectiveness of the money they’re spending, so they reach for a new technology.

This might seem like a logical approach, but the new technology will probably not be the silver bullet they’re hoping for.

That’s because marketing technologies are interdependent. No single platform does it all. Success of the technology you use to measure ROI depends on whether it can properly integrate with the other tech you use.

BI solutions, marketing attribution software, marketing automation and marketing performance management solutions like Allocadia are all examples of non-magical technologies that hinge on integrations with other marketing systems of record in order to be fully effective.

A typical trio of technologies for effective ROI measurement includes a CRM system (to measure results, such as closed deals), an MPM system in which costs are captured, and a marketing automation system (for customer engagement).

Summing up

So, not to fear! ROI measurement isn’t simple, but it definitely is a goal well worth pursuing.

Source: B2C

5 SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs (And How To Fix Them)

SEO has been in constant progression ever since the term was coined. It is not what it used to be 5 or 10 years ago. It has become A LOT more strict and you have to be on top of it to rank your website on Google properly.

A few years ago, all you had to do was to write something and to post it on your website or blog. Nowadays, things are different. You have to follow all the SEO rules.

But even if you do follow them, there are still some mistakes that you cannot allow yourself to make. Some crucial mistakes that you should avoid at all costs.

In this short article, I will share with you some of the mistakes you should stay as far as humanly possible from. You will learn how to NOT stab yourself in the back. Instead, after reading this short article, you will be able to write better than ever (in terms of ranking your content on Google).

After reading it, you will have learned my top 5 mistakes (the ones that I see most often) and if you were making any of them, you will have a simple and actionable way to fix them right away. So let’s begin.

1. Deluding Yourself That Your Amazing Content Will Rank On Google Without Any On-Page Optimization

Don’t take me wrong. Having great content is something awesome. However, if you are not doing your on-page optimization, then you have a close to zero chance of ranking it on Google.

And what’s the point of writing great content if no one will ever see it? Well, it’s kind of useless, isn’t it?

Now, you might think there is still chance to rank your content EVEN if you are not optimizing your on-page SEO. And you are right. But this is literally all LUCK.

So are you willing to base your great content’s future on luck or do you want to take the necessary action to make sure people see it?

If you answered “Yes, I want people to see my content.”, then your actionable tip #1 is:

Never Forget To Do Your On-Page SEO Optimization

2. Deluding Yourself That Your Amazing Content Will Get Links Without Having To Work For It

Again, that’s simply leaving your content’s future to LUCK instead of using your SKILLS for it.. not a good idea, right?

If you do rely on luck, you can actually expect 10% of your content to get some external links. But is that enough?

You are doing all that writing, day after day, hustling like a beast, doing 10X of what some other people do, and only 10% of your work can actually make it? (If you are pretty darn lucky that is…) Isn’t that too much effort for such insignificant results?

Well, it is. And if you are willing to spend the time to write such great content, then you might as well follow my actionable tip #2:

Never Forget To Do Your Link Building

3. Writing Content That Is Too Short

Is your content mostly short (less than 500 words)? I hope not. Because if so, then you are spending your time on writing content that actually has a tiny tiny chance of ranking on Google.

It is not impossible. BUT the chances are almost non-existent. If you are going to write any type of content, then you’d better value your time more and follow my actionable tip #3:

Write Longer Content

Okay, but what does this mean? How much is long enough?

Well, usually the longer the better. Top position articles are almost always longer than those that are 10 positions behind them.

How much longer? 400 words on average (as you can see below).

As you see, the longer, the better. However, I want to give you something actionable, and not just “write longer content”. Your goal from now on should always be to write AT LEAST 1,200 words.

And yes, in some cases less would work better. And in other cases, A LOT more would be the way to go. But, as a general rule, 1,200 is a number you can look out for when writing your amazing content.

Bonus: if you are a data-driven person, then this article is most likely going to be interesting to you: How Important is Content Length.

4. Turning Your Back On Internal Links

You might think this one is not so important. And yes, it’s not the most important one. BUT you shouldn’t turn your back on it so fast.

This might as well be the easiest way to increase metrics on your site such as time-on-site and page-views.

And don’t just link to your homepage. Instead, link to some other great content you’ve got on your website, some “deep” pages.

So what’s our actionable tip #4? Here you have it:

Include At Least 2-3 Internal Links To Each Of The Masterpieces You Create

5. Using Links That Are Broken

Such links can hurt your website optimization tremendously. And having broken links is a mistake I see way too often. But before I tell you how to fix it, let me first tell you what a “broken link” means.

This term means your link drives people who click it to a non-existent page (or a wrong one). And what are the most common causes of broken links?

The ones I see most often are deleted or moved content, a change in URL structure, and incorrect re-directs.

But how to fix them? Should we manually check all of our links on our website on a daily basis?

Definitely NOT. Instead, you can use a tool like Screamingfrog’s Broken Link Checker (the image below) to find the links that might be harming your website optimization.

Check For Broken Links On A Weekly Basis

Advanced Tip To Beat Your Competition: You can use the tool above to check your competitors’ websites for broken links, too. This way, when you find some links that are not working as they are supposed to, you can simply contact the linking site and tell them to link you instead.


There are lots of mistakes anyone can make when it comes to optimizing your website performance (in terms of ranking on Google). And those were just 5 of them. There are many more you should beware about. Right from the basics of having a mobile friendly website to ensuring site speed.

However, those 5 are the ones I see MOST OFTEN. And if you are making just one of those mistakes, simply fixing it (with my actionable tip) can bring your website’s SEO optimization on a whole new level.

Source: B2C

Tuesday 30 January 2018

400-Pound Woman Suing Paris Zoo After Escaped Hippo Tried To Rape Her Is Fake News

A 400-pound woman suing the Paris Zoo after an escaped hippo attempted to rape her is fake news. There is no truth to a report that claims an obese woman had been attacked by an escaped hippo at the Paris Zoo and would now be suing the zoo for claims that the hippo tried to sexually assault her. If the story sound crazy and absurd that is because it is just a false and tasteless story.

Where did this fake news originate? The World News Daily Report published the fake news article reporting that an obese woman was almost sexually assaulted by an escaped hippo and now filing a lawsuit against the Paris Zoo. You can read the fake news below.

Paris | The Paris Zoological Park is being sued after a woman claims she was sexually assaulted by a hippopotamus that had escaped the zoo for only a few hours yesterday.

The large semiaquatic mammal apparently was able to slip out of its enclosure last night after massive flooding and a fallen tree severely damaged the security fence.

Geraldine Boudin, 54, owner of a bakery next to the Zoological Park, is suing the zoo’s administration after she claims she was sexually assaulted by the huge beast after she was returning home that night.

“At first I could not believe what I saw. I was terrified,” she told reporters.

However, there is no truth to the above story, according to Snopes. What was the problem with the story to make it false? For one thing the origin of the woman in the photo can be found here. In that story, the woman is actually Vilma Soltesz who passed away in 2012 after she was reportedly denied several flights back to the United States from Hungary due to her weight.

With regards to the hippo, that part is true in regards to a hippo having escaped from a zoo in Tbilisi, Ga. in June 2015 after a massive flood. The hippo was among a number of animals that escaped following that flood. The result was that most of these animals were put down. However, Snopes noted that the pictured hippo, named Beggi, appears to have survived the entire fiasco.

Here are some examples of people sharing the fake news on social media.

Finally and most importantly, World News Daily Report carries the following disclaimer:

WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle.

What did you think of the fake news that an obese woman had sued the Paris Zoo after an escaped hippo tried to rape her? Did you believe the fake news or see people sharing it falsely on social media? Let us know in the comments section.

Photo Credit: Source

Source: B2C

Social Media Advice: Your Top Ten Questions, Answered

I spend much of my time giving social media advice.

During our free consultation, I do everything in my power to give definitive answers to every question I’m asked. No vague “it depends” stuff here.

Every business, big or small, has questions about how to market on social media.

Here are the top ten answers to the most-asked questions.


A Note Regarding Social Media Advice

Dictionary defines advice as: “guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action, typically given by someone regarded as knowledgeable or authoritative.

There’s lots of advice out there. Some good. Some really, really bad.

My advice comes from my experience and six years of serving clients and their social media needs.

You may not like my social media advice. My advice may not work for you.

Or, my advice could lead to a $30,000 win on your first #GivingTuesday campaign (as outlined in our most recent case study).

In the end, I can only be 100% open and honest. And that’s what I’m doing here.

General Social Media

1) Which social media channels should I use?

This question actually is one of those “it depends” answers, but only if you haven’t done your homework.

If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you should know who your best customer is.

  • Demographical information

  • Their interests

  • Where you “see” them interact with you the most (website, email, phone, social media, in-store, etc.)

If you’ve done your homework, it will become obvious which social channel or channels will be most successful for you.

If you haven’t done your homework, go read this post and answer the 10 must-know questions for getting started with social.

2) How can we improve our social media presence?

First and foremost, I’d say businesses need more understanding of how each platform works.

Most of the folks I speak with on our free consultation have no idea that Facebook has an algorithm that severely limits reach.


Recently, Zuck said this about declining reach for businesses.

Facebook’s 2 billion users will “see less public content like posts from businesses, brands and media. And the public content you see more will be held to the same standard.”

Beyond that, go back to #1 and make sure you know your audience.

If you truly know them, you’ll know what kinds of content they’ll engage with.

Social Media Content

3) Should we cross-post our content?

Cross-posting content means automatically sharing a post from say, Facebook to Twitter.

My social media advice? No. Never. Please don’t!

While this seems like a time-saver, it can make you look like an idiot.

Auto-posted tweets, for instance, often convert images into links (that are often cut off!).

4) What will you post (I don’t have anything to post)?

Again, see #1. Your audience is the key to everything!

But, to start, there are a million things to post (even if you don’t think there are).

  • Behind-the-scenes (BTS) photos of your office happenings or team members (with their consent)

  • How-to videos

  • Throwback Thursday photos (show off the history of your business!)

  • Humor and memes (when relevant)

  • Curated content; helpful articles with industry-relevant tips

  • Videos or photos that highlight your customer wins

  • Upcoming sales or promos

5) When should I be posting?

Though there’s a ton of data around which days and times are best to post, like this chart from our pals at Sprout Social.


However, I’d like to issue a word of caution.

Think about it … your audience is unique, not some general stat!

Instead of following stats, try creating your own data table of when posts perform best.

Remember: Best practices sometimes aren’t!

6) Do I need original content?


Even if you don’t have a blog (or time to blog), make sure that at least some of the content you create for your social channels is uniquely yours.

Social Media Advice: ROI

7) Will I get results from my social media?

You will. However, if you don’t specify the kind of results you want, you may not be happy.

Try to pick from one of the categories below.


And, know that choosing the right key-performance indicators is incredibly important to showing success.

8) If I use social media will I get a return on investment?

Return on investment, or ROI, is a financial term. Ultimately, what you are asking is will the money I spend on social media result in sales equal to or greater my spend on social.

My social media advice? No.

Organic social media is great for those awareness and engagement KPIs. But when it comes to conversions, paid media is best.

Businesses who use organic and paid social together are twice as likely to say social media is “very effective” for them.



9) Can I track sales from social media?

Yes! You’ll likely need:

  • Paid media

  • A capture or landing page

  • Google Analytics knowledge

Social Media Growth

10) How do I get more followers?

My best social media advice: Don’t get hung up on the numbers. Focus on quality versus quantity.

If you fall over yourself to give value to your audience (yep, see #1 again!), you’ll attract a quality following.

Oh, and don’t forget to follow and engage with people! #ThinkConversation, y’all.

Moreover, you don’t have to follow everyone back!

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how many weirdos are out there. 😉

You’ll want to follow people, businesses, and brands who are relevant to what you do.

Social Media Advice Is A Dime A Dozen

Real talk, if you can Google it, you can do it.

I think what social media success boils down to is the doing it part.

You can’t fake it ’till you make it and it’s a lot of work.

That why we exist, after all. 😉

Source: B2C

2018 Super Bowl Movie Trailers: A Brief Guide

2018 Super Bowl Movie Trailers

It’s the most magical time of the year! Geeks across our nation know’s that Super Bowl Movie Trailers season is incoming. As studios battle to get their expensive commercials for supercars and Hollywood films ready for the big game, It has become one of the most anticipated pop culture events of the year, as it marks the best place to adventurism the next year of summer blockbusters. Despite the insane costs for 30-second commercials, with some exceeding 5 million dollars, Studios have pushed the Superbowl to be a safe bet for advertising budgets to explode. It’s an exciting time for both sports and movie fans across the country, with Hollywood utilizing the chance for 100 million eyes to get a quick look at their feature content.

Mission: Impossible – Fallout

Mission: Impossible – Fallout

Little is known about the upcoming Mission: Impossible sequel, despite some frightening shots at tom cruise doing unbelievable stunts. It’s been confirmed by various sources that a 30-second teaser will be attached to the super bowl pre-game show. A good idea to get the blood boiling for the summer adventure, which is expected to deliver another dose of spy action. We hope the internet to get pumped for the eagerly anticipated sequel to Rogue Nation.

Cloverfield 3


Deadline has reported, that we possibly could be seeing the official announcement of Paramount’s third Cloverfield Sequel during the big game. The film has been in a rough patch, on its journey to the big screen with rumors circulating Netflix potentially investing in bringing it to their streaming platform. After the surprise hit 10 Cloverfield Lane, all eyes are on the sequel to continue the tradition and blow us away in April.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

It’s about to get dangerous at this year’s Super Bowl, with Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom getting the 30-second treatment. Despite the mixed reception from 2015’s Jurassic World, all eyes on the sequel to succeed in areas where the original failed to deliver. This will most likely be an extended look at the project, so don’t expect the full second trailer until later in the year.

Black Panther

Black Panther

Despite being out in the next week, Black Panther is planned to have a reliable 30-second TV spot which should build up hype for the first superhero flick of 2018. It would be a no-brainer for Disney to show off their new IP, which is looking to change up the next decade of superhero films, with a diverse line up of African-American actors.

Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War

The most anticipated release of 2018, is ten years in the making with the MCU finally bringing all these iconic heroes together against threatening Thanos. It would make the most sense for Disney to debut a new trailer for the project, building up the hype train for the conclusion of a decade of build up. Fans have been waiting for a while, and the super bowl would be a perfect area to show it to the masses.

Source: B2C

How to Create Personalized Lead Nurturing Drip Campaigns

Lead nurturing requires a personal touch. Like Josh says, it is not about adding the first name and last name over and over again.

You have attracted good leads.

Now, you have to keep these leads happy while at the same time, gently push them through the buyer’s journey and create conversions. When your sales cycle is long (which happens in most B2B cases), it is not always that easy.

You cannot afford to dish out anything to your leads and expect them to be convinced. In a longer sales cycle, you need relevant marketing messages that align with your leads’ interests and needs. It is more about knowing your leads real-time and accordingly nurturing them.

Hence, capturing lead information like name, social profiles, demographics, and firmographics has become so important.

Once you have built a buyer’s person (a semi-fictional replica of your actual customer outlining the possible interests and needs), you need automated behaviour-based drip marketing campaigns for an effective lead nurturing process.

What Are Drip Marketing Campaigns?

Drip marketing campaigns refer to a series of marketing messages that are triggered by pre-set behavioural actions of your leads. These are highly personalized and trigger maximum engagement.

Typically, a drip campaign refers to a series of marketing messages sent out to a list of subscribers.

However, lead nurturing requires a more personalized effort. It is not about sending a series of marketing messages; it is about understanding whether a lead will benefit from your marketing message and whether that message will trigger engagement.

Advanced lead nurturing campaigns include automated drip campaigns, but these campaigns are triggered based on lead behavior and dynamic segmentation.

Quick Word:

Dynamic segmentation refers to segmenting leads based on their behavior.

A lead behavior continues to change throughout the buyer’s cycle. To understand which lead is moving down the marketing funnel, you can assign lead scores.

However, you can have a scenario where two leads exhibit similar total scores, but they will not engage with the same type of marketing message. To understand the difference, you need to look at the browsing pathway.

It can be that one of the two leads spent a majority time browsing your pricing page and feature pages. The other lead may have just browsed through all the pages, leading to a similar total score. But it is evident that the former lead is closer to getting converted than the latter.

Lead nurturing practices require a lot of monitoring and tracking accompanied with efficient lead management. Each lead takes up a different path and reacts differently to your marketing efforts. So, the typical drip marketing has now evolved into behaviour-based lead nurturing drip marketing.

Automated Drip Campaigns for Better Lead Nurturing and Conversions

Drip campaigns designed for lead nurturing are highly personalised. Leads are segmented based on their demographics, firmographics, in-app and website behaviour, and stages of the buyer’s cycle. Based on these factors (and more), drip campaigns are automatically triggered.

It is wrong to believe that drip campaigns benefit only the marketers. It is equally beneficial for the sales team. I can say this because the whole thing goes back to the “mandatory” marketing-sales alignment concept even before you start thinking about implementing automation.

Drip Email Marketing Campaigns

It is a fact that not all leads engage in the same way.

Some are pretty active, while others are too reluctant to take note of your emails. Whatever it is, email campaigns continue to be the most preferred communication channel. Although marketers are adopting multi-channel marketing, emails still take the limelight. Hence, automated email drips are a mandate to nurture leads.

1. Welcome Drips

When you sign up or subscribe to a platform, immediately you receive a welcome email. It consists of your first name (which is now very common in almost any email campaign), a short welcome message, an overview of the kind of experience you will have with the brand, and a small milestone to begin with.

The email will mostly be signed off either by the CEO/founder or maybe the marketing person. Whoever it is, you will instantly know it is a real person. This helps in building a bond with the brand.

You keep receiving emails from this same person which creates an online-relationship. Later, when this person actually gives you a call, you can instantly relate.

Below is one such welcome email from Smart Insights that one of my colleagues had received.

lead nurturing drip campaigns

If you look closely, it instantly tells you how Smart Insights will help you in ‘improving your digital marketing capabilities’.

To get things rolling, Smart Insights offers a customized recommendation and also an “alternative”. Everyone wants to know their competitive ranking, which is why the green CTA with “See how you compare” words strikes the perfect chord.

2. Onboarding Emails

Welcome emails are usually followed by onboarding emails.

Onboarding email drips are designed to help you get acquainted with the brand and its various resources. These emails are based on behaviour-tracking, because often you might receive emails helping you pick up from the exact point where you got stuck while using the product/services. Check this onboarding email from Dropbox.

lead nurturing drip campaigns

This email can also be tagged as a re-engagement email. It tries to nudge users to download the desktop version of Dropbox while simultaneously telling the benefits of doing so. The clean design template of Dropbox is my favourite kind here.

Another favourite is this email from Canva, a designing platform. I received this email while I was designing wedding cards for my own wedding. I continuously looked for wedding card templates and kept editing quite a few number of them. And then I woke up to this email that clearly tracked my activities and sent me some handy tips.

lead nurturing drip campaigns

My friends say it’s simply because it was wedding season around; I prefer to be logical!

3. Promotional Drip Campaigns

This is fairly popular. I’m sure you have tons of emails announcing various promo codes and seasonal offers. Owing to the Christmas spirit, I’m sure you have already received multiple Halloween, Black-Friday, Christmas, and New Year promotional offers.

PS: Many find promotional emails annoying. I hated it when I received discounts after I upgraded to a premium plan of a particular landing page building tool. It was annoying. Also, emails that are clustered with images and bright colours hurt eyes.

Pro Tip: Ensure you are sending your promo emails to people who will engage with the same. It makes no point to send a huge discount offer to someone who has already paid for that same service/product.

Also, nicely designed emails aligning to your brand proposition and the season work well. For instance, look at this email from Urban Ladder. Oh! That lovely way of saying a Christmas Story. The story is about how ‘Grinch’ stole Urban Ladder’s furniture and what happened next.

lead nurturing drip campaigns

Read the full story here.

This is by far the best Christmas Promotional Email I have received. It may be long, but emails like this make you read the whole story and also check the offers (which is the main purpose of this email). Yet, look at the way they connect with the Christmas Spirit.

Few More Email Drip Campaigns That Trigger Higher Conversions

Educational and Awareness Drip Email Campaigns

These emails are solely targeted towards educating and creating a brand awareness after a visitor subscribes or signs up (usually designed for bulk sending). However, certain lead behaviour is taken into consideration while segmenting leads for these emails.

Some leads might require basic educational information about the brand, while others might engage with a more narrowed down content piece. For instance, when you sign up with a brand, you receive emails on overall industry aspects.

Slowly as you start engaging, your email content narrows down as per your interests. As more time passes and you start using the brand/upgrade to a premium version, you get emails that are industry related and are also concentrated on how better you can use that tool/services for better results.

Re-Engagement Campaigns

You must have some leads that were once very active, but suddenly stopped engaging? To trigger engagement, you need to know why they stopped being active in the first place.

Maybe they did not get what they expected. Or maybe the content in your last email was not aligned to their interests.

In such cases, creating a re-engagement drip campaign often helps in rekindling old connections in a smarter way. You can conduct an A/B test with a handful of leads before you send to the entire list.

Transactional Emails (Majorly for B2C Brands)

Imagine you opt for a premium plan of an automation tool. Your payment is done, your amount is deducted from your account, but you still haven’t received an email confirmation about the same. Yep, it’s frustrating and your anxiety will soar up high in no time.

Transactional emails based on lead activity help in relieving your leads from these anxieties. Although I don’t see this as a marketing drip campaign, many-a-times, you need to have these emails scheduled properly.

Welcome to Cross Drip Marketing!

I’m sure you will agree that whenever someone talks or writes about drip marketing, the entire focus is concentrated over drip email campaigns. Well, I am not against it, but there is another kind of drip marketing that people talk less or discuss separately. I am talking about push drip campaigns.

What Are Push Campaigns?

Push notification campaigns are my favourite. I agree that emails have a great one-to-one communication feeling, but push notifications are much more personalized. It sits silently without disturbing you or forcing you to take a look.

Yet, thanks to the prevalent use of dynamic content in these notification campaigns, push messages are highly eye-catching. These are short and crisp, accompanied by a short link that will not require you to visit the website or launch the app.

When you haven’t viewed your notifications on phone, they silently keep adding up over your app icon. Something like this:

lead nurturing drip campaigns

Push Drip Campaigns

If you have built a drip campaign on Aritic PinPoint or other platforms, you will know how easy it is to build a drip campaign.

You can create cross drip campaigns as well. Aritic PinPoint offers multi-channel marketing. You can run an email drip, push drip, and an SMS campaign together. Based on lead behaviour, score, and activities from each campaign, you can trigger another campaign.

Sounds complicated, doesn’t it?

Let’s say you create a drip email campaign for leads that upgrade to a premium plan from free trial. When they finish the purchase, you send an email. If they leave mid-way, you automatically bucket these leads for two campaigns — you send a push notification urging them to opt for the premium plan and avail certain benefits instantly.

You provide a link directly for completing the process. This message is followed by another email after two days urging for the same action but in a more elaborate way.

This way, you can cross drip multiple campaigns across many channels.

Like I said, using dynamic content within push messages has increased the credibility of this marketing channel. You can choose to turn off all push notifications on your phone or from your browser settings. By using dynamic content, you can show your leads same message in various ways.

For instance, multiple language support helps in showing your message in local language based on your lead’s location. Or, the same offer is shown to two leads in two different ways based on buying pattern.

Behaviour-Based Campaigns Are the Key to Higher Conversions

Consumers are pretty conscious these days.

You cannot feed them any random information and expect them to engage. Your leads have ample information at hand, all thanks to the internet that’s a gamut of information. Hence, centering all marketing strategies on lead behaviour and lead engagement is the root to getting more conversions.

If you are not tracking and connecting with your leads on a emotional level, they will ditch you in no time. By emotional connection, I am not saying you start exchanging poems over SMS (one of my colleagues did think this to be a viable way!!!). Every brand has a unique proposition that solves a particular pain point.

All you need to do is grasp that painful chord and suggest an easy solution for the same.

When you know what your leads want, it becomes easier to draft marketing messages. And with the right kind of message, your lead nurturing drip campaigns will stir engagement and create higher conversions.

What are some strategies you use for lead nurturing? Let us know in the comments!

Source: B2C

NFL Lawyer Found Dead After Claiming Super Bowl Between Patriots, Eagles Is ‘Rigged’ Is Fake News

An NFL entertainment lawyer being found dead hours after telling reporters that the upcoming Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles was “rigged” is fake news. There is no truth to a report that a lawyer for the NFL had claimed that the Super Bowl was rigged or that a lawyer had died.

Super Bowl LII between the Eagles and the Patriots will feature the best team from each respective conference in the NFL. The quarterback comparison is one of the most intriguing storylines for this Super Bowl, with Patriots quarterback Tom Brady up against Eagles signal-caller Nick Foles.

Now, where did the fake news originate? The YourNewsWire published the fake news article on Jan. 29, 2018 reporting that an NFL “entertainment lawyer” had been discovered dead just hours after revealing scandalous allegations that the upcoming Super Bowl was “rigged.” You can read the fake news below.

An NFL entertainment lawyer, who has worked for the corporation for more than 15 years, has been found dead in New York City hours after telling reporters that Super Bowl LII is “rigged.”

Dan Goodes was found dead in his hometown of New York City in what early reports described as an “gangland-style execution”, hours after blowing the whistle on the “rigged Super Bowl” backstage at a promotional event in Minneapolis.

Early reports claim the 49-year-old was found shot dead in a 2017 BMW 2 Series, along with one other man, believed to be a close friend.

Goodes, an entertainment lawyer who worked at the National Football League’s Park Avenue headquarters, had been representing the NFL in Minneapolis, working alongside Eagles and Patriots franchise staff on promoting Sunday’s Super Bowl featuring the two teams.

However Goodes went “off-script” in Minneapolis and was “physically removed” from the premises by security staff, but not before publicly condemning the NFL as “totally corrupt” and claiming the Super Bowl is “fixed.”

However, there is no truth to the above story, according to Snopes. What is the problem with the story to make it false? For one thing, the NFL does not employ any “entertainment lawyer” by the name of Dan Goodes. Nor can one find any legitimate news coverage suggesting that someone by that name recently “blew the whistle” on “rigged” football games or died in a “gangland-style execution.”

Additionally, the photograph used in the fake news can be found originally here. The photograph is actually from a July 2017 news report about a New York police officer who was shot in her patrol car.

Here are some examples of people sharing the fake news on social media.

This story is a spinoff of another fake news article claiming that The NFL admitted to rigging games in favor of the New England Patriots ahead of this year’s Super Bowl. In that story, there was no truth to a deceptive video suggesting that the NFL finally came out and confessed that they rigged games in favor of the Patriots who are once again in the Super Bowl. This time the Patriots are having a rematch against the Eagles.

What did you think of the fake news that a NFL entertainment lawyer was found dead after claiming that the Super Bowl between the Patriots and the Eagles is “rigged”? Did you believe the fake news or see people sharing it falsely on social media? Let us know in the comments section.

Photo Credit: Source

Source: B2C

Monday 29 January 2018

The Importance of Data Quailty (Garbage In, Garbage Out)

Collecting data for analysis is not a “set it and forget it task.” In order to ensure we are getting data that is useful for our business and marketing strategies, it’s essential that we take time to get it right. In the age of Big Data, poor data quality is a common issue that many organizations are unaware of. In this video, I’ll share some simple steps to help you collect data that matters so you can make data-driven decisions.


Video Transcript:

Hey what’s up, everybody? Welcome to ‘Hack my Growth.’ In today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about the importance of data quality.

Hey, thanks again for watching. If this is your first time or you’ve been watching a while but haven’t yet subscribed, please do so right now. We would love to have you join part of our community. All you gotta do is hit the button below the video.

All right, so today we’re talking about data quality. Now, that may seem like a boring topic right off the bat, especially if you’re more on the creative end, you’re a content writer, or you’re more interested in the creative elements of digital marketing. If you want to do data backed experience, or if you want to really know if what you’re doing is working, having the right data is essential. Now for me, I am naturally more of a creative; but I’m also very intrigued by data and numbers, and know what works and what doesn’t work. This is kind of what’s led me on this journey to learn more about BI, going back to school, and taking some classes around that. That way, I can run experiments more effectively and know if my work is actually generating real results.

Now, there’s an old adage that says, ‘Garbage in, garbage out.’ That means if you fill your analytics software, or you fill your business intelligence tool with bad data, you’re going to get bad answers. You’re not going to get the answers you want. It doesn’t matter if you have a lot of numbers. If the numbers don’t line up, or the numbers were recorded wrong, or maybe there are errors in your numbers, you’re not going to get the right answers.

You’re really not going to know if what you’re doing is working or isn’t working. This is the importance, whether you’re using Google Analytics, whether you’re paying for an expensive business intelligence software. It doesn’t matter what your solution is or how much you pay for it. If you have bad data, you’re going to get the wrong answers. How do we get the right data? How do we know if we have the data we need to answer the questions we want to answer?

Well, Stephen Covey has an amazing book. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. It’s called ‘Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.’ One of the habits is beginning with the end in mind. Now, this is the same advice I want to give to you. When you’re doing a data-backed experiment or if you’re wanting to set up your analytics for them to make sense for you, know why you want those analytics. Know what questions you’re trying to solve problems for, or what answers you want to get. When you understand what you want, you can then reverse engineer the process and understand what you need.

Now, there’s a little bit of a flowchart here. It’s just four things and four questions that you want to ask in kind of this reversed order. Instead of setting up and testing, you want to really start with the end in mind. What do you want to figure out? Do you want to learn what your website users are doing, or your app user doing? People working on the phone. Is this for financial numbers? What are you trying to solve? What problems are you trying to find answers for?

Once you’ve understood that, the next step is what data will help you find those answers? A lot of times, we’re collecting data we don’t need or data that really has very little value to our business; but we’re collecting it just because we can. Now in some cases, this is good because you can find really interesting nuggets of information you wouldn’t have otherwise found. The reality is 90% of what we’re collecting is trash. It’s just useful in any business sense. Knowing what you actually need to collect is going to be important, because then you can put precedence on those entities, those attributes, those metrics that you really need to know something about; and make sure that you’re collecting that data the right way, and collecting it cleanly.

Then you have to know how can I access this data? Is it website users? Can I use Google Analytics? Is it financial numbers? Do I need to have a financial software, like QuickBooks, or FreshBooks, or something along that line? Is it something a little bit more abstract where I need to find a specialized tool to really get those pieces of information? Do I need to use a scraper and extract that information from a website? Where is this data that you need at? Then, the next step is how do you get it? It’s about setting up and testing.

A lot of times, what we’ll do is we’ll put a tracking code on our site. Maybe we’ve got a new product, maybe we’re using HubSpot or Google Analytics, or maybe we’re using a specialized BI program where we’re tracking and setting up information that’s dumping into our analytic software or to our database. We don’t really take time to test to make sure that the data’s right. This is where a lot of the problems happen. This is where the problems have happened for me before where I’m collecting all this data, but maybe we’ve set something up wrong or we’re getting the wrong data, and now it’s really useless. I see this all the time when we implement Google Analytics and Tag Manager. Well, then you have two Google Analytics scripts running, one in Tag Manager, one in Analytics. Now your bounce rate is all off, or you’re not collecting hits the right way and your traffic’s just wrong because you’ve got two different scripts that are contradicting each other; and now you’re getting the numbers you need, the information you need.

This happens because we don’t test. We should put things into test environments and see how they’re responding, and see what information we’re getting back, and then execute. The worst thing that can happen is you can install a tracking code on a website, think you’re collecting information; come back 30 days later, realize it was wrong and the tracking information was off. Unfortunately, that’s happened to me more than once. That’s where often you learn these things; by the mistakes, where you set something up and you go to look at the information. It’s not there, or it’s not the information you thought you were getting, because you didn’t take the step to say, ‘What do I need? What’s the data that I need? Where is it at?’ Then set up and test it to make sure that it works.

Another thing that I see that happens, especially today with so many different tools, so many different programs out there. These are really great tools, and most of the BI tools out there are front-end tools. They’re tools that are going to help you visualize your data, or display your data in a visually appealing way. We end up making really cool graphs that people still don’t understand. We make really cool graphs that we don’t understand. We assume that these all-in-one tools are going to solve all of our problems; but a lot of times, an all-in-one tool isn’t really an all-in-one tool. We assume that if we buy the subscription, automatically our data is going to show up in the right place; and it’s going to do what we want it to do.

I’ve been looking to automate this process myself, and I’m sure there are ways to automate it and I know there are ways to automate it. It’s typically a very siloed into different stages, where you’re extracting the data, then you’re loading it into a data platform or a data warehouse. Then, you’re pulling that data into your different front-end tools. That’s a very, very narrow look, not really getting into the details of what’s going on; but each of those processes is extremely important. We assume that if we have a quote-unquote, ‘all-in-one tool.’ It’s just going to do everything for us. Our data is going to be clean. It’s going to go into the right place, and we’re going to easily be able to find it.

Well, that’s not really the case all of the time, or most of the time; because BI can be pretty complex, but you can simplify it by giving the numbers that you need instead of overloading yourself with stuff you don’t need, overloading yourself with tools that you don’t need. Often times, we’re using a jackhammer to solve a problem that we could have easily fixed with just a small hammer, and tapping on that nail a little bit. Before you invest in these big tools and these big all-in-one solutions, make sure you know what you really need. Make sure you know where that data is, make sure that you’re pulling that data out in a way that it’s going to be quality data. Then, you can actually find the answers that you’re looking for.

Data quality gets way harder the more and more you add to your business intelligence process, to your analytics process. If you can slow it down and just really start with what you need, you’re going to find that keeping that data at a quality level is going to be much easier. There is no such thing as set it and forget it when it comes to BI.

Things are moving too fast. Data changes, user behavior changes. You need to make a tweak to your study. Really, if you’re doing this more from an agile standpoint where you’re running A/B tests, you’re testing different aspects of your marketing campaign or your business, and you want to be able to test them quickly, get information quickly, and pivot quickly, you can’t set it and forget it. You need to be able to access this data and look at these decisions and be able to make decisions fast. The only way you can do that is if you have good data. That means you have to set up the process in the right way in order for you to extract the value you need out.

If you have any more questions, maybe you have questions on Google Analytics, that’s one of my favorite tools. The Google Cloud environment is a very powerful environment. It’s free. It’s not set it and forget it. There are some tools that can automate it and help you work a lot more efficiently inside there. If you have questions and want help setting this up, please let us know. We would love to help you get on the right foot. Or, how does this actually impact a marketing campaign? Again, please comment below. Give us some questions. We would love to help you in this process and make sure that you get the most information that you can to make intelligent decisions to grow your marketing campaigns and your business.

Until next time, Happy Marketing and thanks for watching.

Source: B2C

10 Tech Tools to Boost Productivity in 2018

There’s a growing body of research out there that shows how technology may be making our lives more stressful and distracted. We’ve put together a list of productivity tools to help you reverse that trend in 2018.

Of course, what keeps you from being productive may not be the same as what keeps me from being productive. Whatever your challenge(s), the odds are good someone’s come up with an app that purports to solve it. In this post, we round up ten tools to help boost your productivity in the new year, broken down by category.

Avoiding Distraction

According to a 2014 survey from, 89% of American workers report reported feeling distracted at work, with more than 50% of those respondents saying that they waste an hour or more each day. If this sounds like you, here are some apps designed to help you cut down on distractions and get down to business.

  1. Momentum (iOS and Mac) is a barebones app designed to help you build and strengthen good habits by forming “chains” or streaks of good deeds. For every day you do what you’re supposed to (floss, write, call your mom) your chain will increase. That’s pretty much it. As simple as it sounds, though, there’s something strangely satisfying about keeping a chain going. Don’t believe it? Just ask Jerry Seinfeld.

  2. Focus (Mac) is a highly configurable menu bar tool that lets you block distracting websites and apps with a single click. You can create custom lists of things to block, schedule blocks of productivity time (and breaks), and synchronize it across other Macs.

  3. FocusWriter (Linux, Windows, Mac) is a minimalist word processor that blocks other apps and websites and lets you set timers and alarms and saves your work automatically. That’s pretty much it, which may be exactly what distracted writers are looking for.

Managing Workflows

The increasingly digital and distributed nature of modern work can make it difficult to stay on top of things. How do you know how far along a project is, or who’s responsible for getting it over the next hurdle? Fortunately, there are a number of great options for managing and simplifying your workflows.

  1. Trello is a deceptively simple, yet powerful way for individuals and teams to keep track of what’s going on. It’s easy and satisfying to move cards from “in progress” to “done” but that same interface also makes it a great way to keep track of personal tasks and goals.

  2. Asana is a workflow management tool that places a special emphasis on routine tasks rather than one-off projects. Just create a template for something you need to do regularly (create a weekly report, write a blog post, etc.) and you can quickly and easily replicate this task day-to-day or week-to-week. Another feature lets you turn unread emails into tasks which you can then rename, add to projects, and assign deadlines.

  3. IFTTT (short for “IF This, Then That”) is a nifty tool that lets you string together tasks involving different services into easy but powerful applets. For instance, you can create an applet that creates a Slack message in a particular channel whenever you finish a task in Asana.

Taking and Organizing Notes

It’s hard to improve upon a good pen and notebook, but as more and more of our work migrates to apps and the cloud, it can be useful to have all of your thoughts in one, easily searchable place. That’s where this next batch of apps comes in.

  1. Evernote is an app you’ve almost certainly heard of, and despite some controversy over the service’s recent price hikes it remains the king of note taking apps. It has a ton of features, so you can always customize it to fit your workflow. A few of the cooler features include the Web Clipper extension, the ability to merge (or even encrypt) notes, and the nested tags feature.

  2. Zoho Notebook lets you create different types of notes (called “cards”) depending on what you’re doing, from regular old text to checklists, sketches, videos, and more. It also syncs across the cloud and all your devices and comes with a slick UI as well.

Decluttering Your Inbox

Plenty of apps have tried to kill it, but email hasn’t gone away. So whether you’re going for Inbox Zero or Inbox 5,000, here are a couple of tools to keep you on top of your email.

  1. SaneBox (Mac/iOS, Android, Windows) analyzes your email history and re-sorts your inbox into important messages and stuff that can wait until later. It can also set reminders so you don’t forget to reply to important messages.

  2. Microsoft Outlook (iOS and Android) is actually a rebranding of the beloved inbox app Acompli. What sets Outlook apart from other email apps is its Focused Inbox, which presorts your email into messages you’re likely to find important (i.e., those directed at you by real people) and everything else. It supports a slew of email services, including iCloud and Gmail, and synchronizes with file management services like Dropbox and Google Drive.

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Source: B2C