Thursday 22 February 2018

5 Reasons You’ll Find an SEO Platform in Every Successful Marketing Stack

Whether you invest in a search agency, independent contractors, or full-time employees, having an SEO platform in place is critical. Owning your own data, and being able to have one common source of insight into your performance, your strategies and your SEO and content teams’ progress is essential when measuring your performance.

In the same way that you wouldn’t outsource your web analytics to an outside vendor just because they were doing conversion optimization for you, the same should be true for organic: owning your data is key to getting your content in front of customers and aligning your internal teams behind unified strategies.

And as we examine SEO and content marketing professionals across the board, the most successful SEOs and content marketers all rely on one primary SEO platform for insight. Why? Because having one SEO and content technology to streamline your data collection and analysis will help you in ways you may not even imagined. For example…

1. An SEO Platform Will Help You Make Your Process Repeatable

One of the major challenges facing today’s most successful SEO and content teams is building repeatable processes. Because, the practice of SEO and content marketing is much more complex than executing on one simple traffic-driving action. The most successful marketing teams build repeatable practices and systems so that, through continuous effort, they can accrue organic traffic to their website.

For teams relying on external resources, this process slows and your team is often stuck waiting for information or data they need to make decisions. While outside resources can help contribute to a successful SEO strategy, teams that rely on them solely for their SEO will struggle to create repeatable processes and make necessary changes quickly and efficiently.

2. An SEO Platform Will Help You Get Resources Where You Need Them, When You Need Them

Teams with a platform in place have much greater flexibility to source resources from anywhere. When you rely on one platform for your content and SEO data, you can easily swap out an agency, hire a new contractor or a new employee without worrying about losing access to your data or your progress. With an SEO platform, your recommendations, workflow, and reporting are already built-in, so new hires or contractors can easily pick up right where others have left off.

The most successful SEO and content marketers rely on a powerful SEO platform in their marketing tech stack.

This also makes it easier for multiple different resources to work together seamlessly. An agency, contractor, and internal employee may have different approaches to SEO and content, but a single platform unifies their process and improves accountability.

3. An SEO Platform Can Safeguard Against Losing Your Data

By storing your data in one centralized location, you’re less vulnerable to data loss and there’s a smaller chance that you’ll run into single points of failure.

Is your agency not delivering what they promised? Did you lose a key employee? Are outside contractors failing to live up to expectations? By securing your process underneath one holistic SEO and content technology, you can avoid painful switching costs and the difficulty of starting over from scratch.

SEO and content marketing practices require that you constantly iterate and measure your results to be successful. By uniting both teams behind an SEO platform, you won’t lose that work every time you need to change your strategy or personnel up.

4. An SEO Platform Allows You to Own Your Data History

One of the most important reasons successful SEOs and content marketers rely on one SEO platform, is that it allows you to maintain historical data in one place. This means your teams will have access to year-over-year analysis, be able to identify long-term trends and make key comparisons that will help them perform their job better.

The most successful SEO and content marketers rely on a powerful SEO platform in their marketing tech stack.

Whoever works on your content process will be responsible for analyzing, measuring, and reporting on data that you control in-house. When you control your own data, you can: (a) ensure its accuracy, (b) get a complete picture of your campaigns, and (c) avoid losing access to your data (if you change vendors or employees).

5. An SEO Platform Will Help You Avoid Discrepancy and Incompatibility

When you let data live outside of your organization, you face 4 main challenges: 

  • Different parts of the organization using different data sets
  • Discrepancies in what data should be used,
  • Incompatibilities between workflow systems, and
  • The lack of a standard reporting experience.

As companies grow and expand, these challenges will become more complicated and create more problems within the org. But, even in the smallest organizations, they can disrupt processes and hinder efficiency. After all, the data coming from outside agencies or contractors might not always match what you’re seeing.

An SEO and Content Technology is Now a Requirement

As we move forward, a single streamlined SEO and content technology will become a necessity for the modern marketers’ technology stack. Whether your content team is writing to your audience, or your SEO team is optimizing (or perhaps one team is doing them both?), you’ll have more success operating under one technology. If you need to make sure that your message is getting in front of your audience, then ownership of your data and your process isn’t a choice, it’s a requirement.

Investigating an SEO platform? See what Conductor Searchlight has to offer.

The post 5 Reasons You’ll Find an SEO Platform in Every Successful Marketing Stack appeared first on Conductor Spotlight.

Conductor Spotlight

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